The goal is to start building ammonia
immediately with existing technology with an official planning
start date of September 2021 and being in
production in 24-36 months at 10 locations.
In 48 months, add 50 more plants. An anniversary date of 60
plants is set for the 2026 operating year.
By 2030 to 2032 we anticipate
500 plants supplying Green Play Ammonia™ with 2,000,000 metric
tons of production in a price range of $100-$300 per ton.
Making Green Play Ammonia™ move
ahead in 10 years for 400 million fertilized acres in North
America will take $1.6 current trillion at $400 per acre that
can build 11 tons per day or 4,000 tons per year per plant.
Consider 10,000 plants to supply 400 million acres. The scope is
huge—but so are the benefits and historic shift to do better for
farmers and the world we all live in.
A brave
By 2030 ammonia will be selling
for $100-$150 per ton in inland areas or Nebraska and even lower
in coastal areas. Just as nice, the early Green Play Ammonia™,
Yielder® NFuel Energy plants will be paid for. What a fantastic
contribution to agriculture and society in general when 2030
arrives and we can point to an earth-friendly solution.
Plus, by 2030 the Anhydrous
Ammonia commodity will finally have a diverse group of investors
stabilizing the market with local manufacture of NH3 being the
key. Ammonia production at optimum-size plants will attract a
diverse group of investors and market makers.
How critical is Yielder® NFuel Energy to Green Play Ammonia™
The two support and strengthen each other. Green Play Ammonia™
is the production and crop production application of NH3. For
some plants, 50% of the production of green ammonia will be
dedicated to clean energy above the soil surface.
Yielder® NFuel Energy is the storage/delivery side of the
business plan. The need to store ammonia is part of the cost of
ammonia. Ammonia storage becomes the battery or the source of
power for generator sets, fuel cells, the transportation
industry or pipeline delivery at the lowest possible cost with
the best safety record.
Are large storage tanks an "Achilles heel"
when it comes to long-term value?
Anhydrous Ammonia storage tanks maintain their value over 50
years. In fact, at auction the 30,000-gallon pressure vessel
tanks from the ’80s bring in prices of 1.5 to 2 times the
original cost for the 70,000-psi steel tanks with 109-inch
bulkheads and rated at 250 psi for storage.
NH3 is the only nitrogen source that has a value guarantee
and can be stored in pressure vessels. The guaranteed analysis
of NH3 means it is a good buy all the way to $2,000 per ton.
Producers will just not use as much.